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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wednesday afternoon.

Hi Mighty Oakes Fans! Guest blog from Aunt T. I just talked to Becky and she was worried that it might take her too long to update the blog and asked that I update everyone. Oakes has had a good day and is stable. She was up at the hospital today with him. Test results haven't come back yet so she will update the blog again as soon as she hears back.

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers and keep them coming. On a less urgent topic, Isla P has started potty training so maybe send a positive thought her way or tug at the heartstring for her would be nice!

Be Mighty!
Christina/Tina/Aunt T-frannie


  1. Oh my, you really are a wonderful aunt! ;) Go Isla, go get em! Make pee pee on the potty! (Gummie bears and stickers worked wonders for us.) GOOD LUCK! To Isla and everyone!

  2. Becky and all are still in our prayers!!!!! WTG Isla.....Big girl time...because Mighty Oakes needs it in a couple of years!!!!
