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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Week 37, less than 3 weeks left!

This week Baby O is considered "full term", if Becky goes into labor they will do nothing to try to stop the birth! Baby Ortyl still hasn't dropped, but she is nestled in, is kicking more than ever and with some serious strength. Greg can easily see Becky's belly moving around from across the room!

I'm hanging in there! Actually, I have the same report as the last few weeks...feeling good, a little achy, moving slow, but other than that, all is good. I have grown out of my maternity clothes which I never thought would be possible. Occasionally, I've notice a slight breeze on my belly which has turned out to be my shirt riding up a embarrassing!

We had a great weekend this past weekend. Greg's Uncle Kevin was in town for the night on Thursday and we had a nice short visit with him. Then Greg's parents arrived late Thursday and stayed with us til Monday morning. It was nice to spend time with them, see a bit of Denver, discuss the upcoming Baby, eat, cook and eat some more, then the boys went to the Blues vs. Avalanche game on Sunday while the girls napped, we celebrated Easter and Greg's birthday (It is actually this Wednesday, the 15th) and of course we squeezed in some light shopping. Thanks for coming to visit Jane and Greg!

This coming weekend we will have my (Becky's) Mom and Step dad visiting, which we are looking forward to. Becky has a Dr's appointment on Thursday....will keep you posted!

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