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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Photo comparison weeks 1- 4

Not too much has changed. Big alert eyes, crazy rocker chick hair, sweet little nose and pouty lip. The main difference is her cheeks are getting full and chubby...we love it!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Week 4!

Everyone told us time would fly by and they were right! We can not believe little Isla P. is already a month old!
Thank you Falb's for the adorable "Isla P" blanket, it is so sweet, and it was delivered today, her one month Birthday!
Here is our 4 week update:
Isla now weighs a healthy 9lbs 5 oz. We visited the Dr. on Tuesday and found out that Isla has textbook Colic. Overnight she went from our agreeable, sweet girl to a screaming, inconsolable cute baby girl. This week has been trying to say the least, but we are thankful that she is healthy otherwise and are just praying that this passes sooner than later. The other update is that I, Becky have a stress fracture on my left foot and am wearing one of those huge Frankenstien boots! When the Doctor told me I had to stay off of my foot for 6 weeks, keep my foot elevated and iced I wasn't sure if I should cry or laugh. Big sigh. I'm doing the best I can, considering. It is not painful, in fact I can tell it is healing, the boot is just annoying and I still feel captive in this house. I thought I would be back at the gym, walking in the park and getting around just fine by now. Frustrating, but I can deal with it!
Thank you everyone for the sweet emails, texts, cards and gifts, we have had so much fun hearing from everyone. We will keep the pictures coming and hopefully I can get my guest blogger to make another entry or two.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

How amazing is my sister?

Really amazing!
We are so proud of Tina!

I mean, running with a smile!

At the finish line with Connie and Dale. Connie made the Tshirts to support the sister. Tina ran the race in Memory of Shirley Bernier (Tina's sister's(Sarah Broermann) husband's (Jeff Broermann) grandmother) - the picture Mom is holding up. The Foxes just love the Broermann's!

To see more pictures of Tina during her Triathlon click here.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Monday, May 25, 2009

See Fox Finish!

Tina completed her Triathlon this morning! Way to go sister! We are so proud of you! Can't wait to see more pics and hear more details!!

Here is Isla cheering on her Aunt! She is saying, "YES! She did it!!"

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Monday, May 18, 2009

Sweet baby.

Go, T Frannie, GO!

Some of you might remember a posting about my sister Tina, back in the fall. She has been training for a triathlon to raise money for cancer research. Obviously, she is pretty amazing and I completely adorer her. So, Tina, know by our nephews as T-Frannie, has raised nearly $5,000, and is days away from her triathlon. I couldn't be more proud of her, and am sad that I can't make it to Austin to cheer her on.

We will be thinking of her next weekend for the big event.

If anyone is interested they can heck out her blog or Team in Training site. She has already signed up for and is raising money for another triathlon in Washington DC. Told you...amazing!

Friday, May 15, 2009

2 weeks.

Isla is 2 weeks old!

We had our 2 week check up this morning, and got good reports across the board.
Isla has gained a whole pound since birth (she's now 7lbs 15 oz.). The goal was that she would have gained 4oz, to get her back to her birth weight, but she blew that away. Clearly she and I have this feeding thing down! She has grown 1/2 and inch and her head has grown and entire inch in two weeks! Grow, Isla, Grow!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


While my Mom was here taking care of us once we all got back from the hospital she spent lots of time in the kitchen. We pretty much devoured everything she made. We especially loved her home made granola. I just made a batch and had to document it. Thanks Mom, we love it!

Connie and Dale Moore's Homemade Granola
8 cups old-fashioned oats
3 cup sliced almonds (or any combo including walnuts & pecans)
4 tbs of flax seed (we’ve switched to ground flax seed)
1 cup packed light brown sugar (or 1/2 C for fewer calories)
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1/2 cup honey
2 teaspoon vanilla
3 cup raisins or dried cranberries (Connie likes Craisins.)

1. Preheat oven to 300 F.
2. In a saucepan warm the oil and honey, then whisk in vanilla. (Dale discovered you can heat both oil and honey in a bowl in the microwave for 2 minutes.)
3. In a bowl mix the oats, almonds, brown sugar, flax seed, salt and cinnamon.
4. Carefully pour the liquid over the oat mixture. Stir gently; finish mixing by hand.
5.Spread granola in 2 15x10 inch cookie tray.
6.Bake 40 minutes, stirring carefully every 10 minutes.
7.Transfer granola-filled pan to a rack to cool completely. Stir in raisins or cranberries. Seal granola in an airtight container or self-sealing plastic bag. Store at room temperature for 1 week or in the freezer for 3 months.

This recipe for Homemade Granola serves/makes 14 cups


After finishing the painting for Isla's room I started making this blanket for her. I just finished it up today and washed it so I could get some cute pics. The blanket is made of jersey knit (T-shirt fabric), it's super soft and stretchy. Isla liked it so much she shot mustard poop out of her diaper onto it and me. Thanks cute girl! Once that was cleaned up I wrapped her up in one of Grandma Jan's cute blankies! Thanks, Grandma!

Here is one of the soft, colorful blankets that Grandma sent!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wednesday. More pics of the cute Babe.

More pics of the girl, and a video too.
Click here to link to the pics

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Happy Mother's Day!

Saturday, May 9, 2009


So today we napped and took a walk. Greg watched the Cards game. We are all pooped.

More pictures

Here are more "week 1" photos, and pictures of Isla with Ena.

Click here for the link to see more pictures

Grandma Connie

Thanks Mom for everything, we would not have made it through week 1 without you!
Let us know when you'd like to come back, our doors are open!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Isla is 1 week old today!

Isla waving hello

One quick round

Last Thursday after finding out that I would be induced that night, Greg had one request...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

May 7, Momma Becky is blogging!

Hello family and friends!

As you can imagine we have been very busy and very distracted, but we have been taking pictures daily and wanted to pass along some favorites.

First, I have to say that Isla is a wonderful baby. For the most part she is sleeping well, eating well, and we're changing plenty of diapers, so she seems to be happy and healthy. While she is waking up and going to sleep she entertains us with her yawns, her little coo's and chirps, stretches and adorable faces. We have spent lots of time just sitting around looking at her. As you can imagine, Greg and I both are just completely in love with her.

I also have to comment on Greg and the delivery since I made so many comments about that before Isla was born. To set the record straight, Greg was amazing during labor, the birth and ever since. During labor he stood by my side comforting and supporting me. He stayed there teary eyed through the birth, encouraging me and soothing my forehead with a cool, wet cloth. And ever since he has been around to help with the baby. He has been changing diapers, getting up at night...he really has been doing everything and anything. He is a wonderful father so far, and I am positive he will only get better. It became clear to me very fast that Isla is going to make up both better people!

I know Greg mentioned in one of his previous blogs (which I loved reading), but thank you all for the sweet and encouraging emails, phone calls, cards, texts, tweets, etc. We loved hearing from so many of our family and friends at such an exciting time.

Ok, so click here to see the latest Kodak Gallery photo album. There are lots of repetitive pictures but they are all so cute.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Isla P, Day 3

The big news of today is that I am typing from the comfort of our home. Although the folks at Rose were generally nice, we were definitely done with that place.

We got some decent sleep last night as Isla spent four hours in the nursery after a good, long 30 minute feeding. We were doing a lot of administrative stuff this morning like filling out the birth certificate application, having a final check up from the OBGYN and pediatrician and packing our bags full of supplies. We really spared nothing when it came to what constituted "supplies". We took the big water bottles, we took formulas, syringes, blankets, ointments, motrin, you name it. And like Connie said as we were leaving, we still probably got charged for a bunch of stuff we never used.

But the important part of the day was having the OBGYN and pediatrician confirming Isla's health and Becky's health, respectively. I had the privilege of getting Isla P all strapped in her pumpkin seat (picture below) and Connie took another good picture of us right before we left our luxurious hospital room (I think the love seat we're on was salvaged from a yard sale; yep, that was my bed the last two nights).

The sad news of the day was that Beck's sisters Christina (T) and Sarah (Sal) left to go back to DC and Tulsa. I'm not sure why Sal had to go back, she only left four boys back home?? And she's pregnant with another one! Well, truth be told, we all hope it's a baby girl so Isla P has a cousin her age to play with, but after four straight boys, ya never know! She finds out May 21st!But we loved having them here and it was awesome that they were able to take time away from their own busy days to fly out here to Denver on short notice to help out. We really, really appreciated their help and love them both. Isla misses you two already!

Luckily we have Becky's mom, Connie, still here. She's been the jill-of-all-trades this weekend helping with the baby at the hospital, making food runs, cleaning up around the house, grocery shopping, cooking and even some gardening as you can kind of see here. We had some dead plants in two planters out in front of our house, so Connie hit Home Depot on the way back from the hospital, got some girly, pink flowers and pink ribbon and planted the flowers and wrapped the planters in the ribbon. Ashby just loved watching and usual.

My parents are teed up and ready to make the trek out here whenever we give them the greenlight. We weren't sure how we'd want to stagger the help, so they were nice enough to be on standby for whenever we needed them. We're chatting tomorrow about what makes sense. We're definitely looking forward to seeing them and Isla is too!

The most interesting part of the day was bringing Isla home to our "other" girl, Ashby. For those of you who made fun of us for five years about how dog crazy we were and how you couldn't wait till we had kids because we took so many pictures of the dog and "believe you me" you won't be taking any more pictures of that dog, well, you were wrong. You all will be seeing many pictures in the coming years like these three girls!

Ashby was incredibly welcoming to Isla and about sniffed her little cap right off head! You can see her tail wagging like crazy.
I think it's safe to say, Ashby loves Isla. It almost looks as if she's smiling at the baby girl.

Finally, here's a video showing Ashby's first intro to baby Isla.

Throughout all of the excitement, Isla P was, again, relatively unimpressed.

This is one of my favorite pics of her yet, she is just so damn cute I can't stand it. Wait until you meet her!

And of course as guest blogger, here is the obligatory daddy's little girl picture. Even her cry makes me smile!

We finally got some decent pics of Isla with her eyes open. She certainly seems to have her pappa's scowl. Do you think? Wish I had this right-side up, you'd see the scowl better.

A lot of you know how handy I am around the house (NOT!), so I thought you'd be curious to know that I, alone, put together Isla's motorized swing this afternoon and it works! It was the most impressed my wife has been with me since....well, maybe ever!
Anyway, Connie made us some pizza tonight, which hit the spot. Beck and I got a couple hours of shut-eye after that and Beck just gave Isla a good ol' feeding of about 40 minutes, so we're heading off to bed for a couple more hours of sleep.

This week should be awesome. Isla has been great and Becky's milk is starting to come in so Isla should have plenty of nourishment upcoming, which will only make her happier and sleepier! Hopefully we'll get more photo opps like this one.

We're expecting some thunderstorms the next couple of days, so it will be good to get in a routine here at home, but 70s and sunny for several days straight later in the week - perfect for a walk with a stroller over to Washington Park, can't wait for that.

As always, we have 7,983 pictures via this link here, so feel free to check them out (not really 7,983...that was my weak attempt at humor, you see). This was definitely the best patch of pictures yet.

My Grandma Ortyl doesn't have Internet access or a computer, so she has yet to see any pictures of her "middle" namesake, so Beck and I are overnighting our favorite pictures to her tomorrow so by Tuesday-ish, Grandma Patrina should be teary-eyed over pics of Isla Patrina.

Also, this is one for my parents more than anyone. It's a video of little Isla fussin' and cryin' and squirmin'....I'm sure all of you don't have the tolerance to listen to a 60-second clip of a baby crying, but TRUST ME, my parents will LOVE it, just like we did watching her. She can do no wrong right now!

OK, I added one more video. This is one of Isla doing one of my favorite things that she does - YAWNING!

Thanks for reading again. I definitely CANNOT keep this pace up on this blog, so these are about the three best blogs you might get for a while. I'm getting WAY too into these things, especially as a "guest" blogger. I'm sure my buddies will let me hear about it too, no doubt. Anyway, hope you enjoyed them. Also, Beck wanted me to pass along that there are some housekeeping things she'll address later this week. For instance, we have THREE winners for "when will the baby be born" contest, so she'll have to figure out what grand prizes they will be awarded (hospital blankets? syringes? pink Home Depot flowers? Ashby-haired baby caps?....we'll soon find out!).
OH! Feel free to post comments here. There should be a little hyperlink right below this blog that you can click on to post comments. I know Beck would love to hear from some of you.
Good night!
-The Ortyls