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Saturday, April 28, 2012

No news.

No news has been no news. 

I went in Friday hoping that I would see Oakes' eyes for real, but he threw a fit around 7am - his heart rate went up, he had a fever, rash and they were suctioning out all kind of nasty stuff from him airway so we abandoned the plan to wake him up. He clearly wasn't ready to wake up and was just sending us a message. 

In an attempt to help him out and move some of the nasty stuff around, the staff made him "prone"- they flipped him onto his belly. They have been alternating his position since Friday and it seems to be helping. 

We are talking about waking him up tomorrow. 
Mighty love to all of our friends!

Oakes prone looks like Super Oakes.

Super Oakes with a puffy face.

If you have never seen Greg sleeping, this is pretty much what it looks like.
The "pros" to having a paralyzed child make up a short list, but there are a few!

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