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Monday, December 22, 2008

Week 21, She's as long as a banana!

Your baby's blood circulation is completely functional. The umbilical cord system continues to grow and thicken as blood travels with considerable force through the body to nurture the baby. The placenta is now almost equal in size to the baby. Your baby will be getting much larger during the second half of your pregnancy. Your baby's crown-to-rump length at this time is 7.2 inches and she weighs approximately 10.5 ounces. Your growing baby is about the size of a large banana. Your baby's different organs and systems are maturing. The fetal digestive system is functioning in a simple way and your baby can swallow amniotic fluid. After your baby swallows the amniotic fluid, she is able to absorb water and sugars from the fluid and then the waste is passed as far as the large bowel. Your baby swallows the amniotic fluid in order to prepare itself for life outside of the womb. Some babies consume as much as 17 ounces of amniotic fluid in a 24-hour period. Your baby already has a high number of red blood cells and the white blood cells are beginning to be produced. Taste buds are being formed on your baby's tongue this week also.

Last week I had a Doctors appointment and everything went well. No new ultrasounds to share yet. I heard the heartbeat again and it sounded good. The midwife that I met with had a hard time finding the heartbeat because our baby girl kept moving around, she laughed and commented that she was being a little stinker since she wouldn't stay still! Seems like she is giving us little clues about her personality already....I'm thinking she'll either be a little stubborn or just an active baby always on the go (maybe like her cousin Beau?). They also measured the baby and said that her growth is perfect for her age, and they told me that I have gained the perfect amount of weight too. My belly is really showing now, we'll post pictures tonight...

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