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Saturday, December 6, 2008

Wednesday's news...

We found out Wednesday before leaving town that we're having a Girl! The ultrasound showed that she is a very healthy girl, weighing 9.1 ounces! During the ultrasound we saw not only all of her healthy little organs but we saw her moving around, opening and closing her mouth, she opened her eyes, and even stuck her tongue out at us!

Greg and I were both pretty emotional seeming our little one for the first time. Even though my belly has been getting bigger and we have known there was a baby in there, it feels like we just got the news that we're going to be parents for the first time!

Thanks for all of the exciting emails, phone calls, texts etc. It has been fun to share the news and hear from everyone.

1 comment:

  1. A girl is what I thought it would be!
    Congratulations again

    Uncle Phill
