We're not sure how long we're going to be out here in Colorado. It could be two more months or two more decades or anywhere in between. So I've been telling Becky for a few weeks now that we have to get out and continue to experience everything that Colorado has to offer. I mean we've been up to Breckenridge a couple times now and I skiied in Vail earlier this year, but there's so many more cool things that we should explore. We needed a PLAN. So we gathered a LIST of 4-5 things that we felt we should definitely do before we left Colorado and since that could be sooner than later, we started aggressively attacking the list this past weekend.
We had heard that Rocky Mountain National Park was a good time and that, specifically, there was a road called Trail Ridge Road that we should definitely drive some time. So that time was Saturday. We packed some drinks, buckled Isla in the car seat, hit Einstein's Bagels and we were off.
A bit of history about Trail Ridge Road...it's the highest paved road in the United States, topping out at 12, 183 feet above sea level and it connects the 48 miles between Estes Park and Grand Lake. Eleven of those miles are above the tree line which, as you can imagine, offer some cool views. It was built back in the late 1930s.
We drove into Estes, about 45 minutes from our house and checked in at the Estes Park Visitor Center where the ol' map guy told me that our decision to do Trail Ridge was a good one since there was some elk and bighorn sheep. He suggested we stop at the Visitor's Center, just near the summit of 12k feet and then turn around....so off we went.
You hit Rocky Mountain National Park just a few minutes outside Estes and it cost $20 to get in. As you start to make your way up the mountain, there are many pull-off areas on the road with great views of the valleys below and mountains in the distance.
(Now we get to the visual part for all of you who prefer pictures like Dave Leeds, for instance).
During our first stop, we got kind of an average view. We didn't feel it was worth unbuckling Isla P, so I walked around and took a few pics. Here is one of a valley with a fun little river winding down the bottom of it and another picture of a couple chipmunks who were putting on a show for some of the little kids.
[A writer's aside: We recently sent our Nikon D70 back to Nikon for some repair work. The pictures over the last couple years just didn't look right so someone talked us into sending back. It cost some money to repair, but jeez, it was worth it. These pictures are so crystal clear and capture my beautiful girls perfectly. The small size of these pictures here on the blog definitely do not do them justice, but you can still get a sense of how good they are.]
Just a breathtaking view.
And the obligatory Becky picture. She INSISTED that I take a few pictures of the mossy vegetation and weird rocks.
When the rain stopped, we started up the hill. Here's me carrying Isla. I felt like the top of the hill kept getting further away....again, we're at 12,000 feet and I'm holding my 15 pound tootbug trudging straight uphill! OK, I'm out of shape, but if I'd had known this was going to be how the day went, I definitely wouldn't have worked out that morning. Man, I'm old and crusty.
Beck and I made a pact that unless there was something REALLY cool, we'd drive straight through. About half way down, we see about 50 people pulled over because there was this huge elk sitting down in the middle of a field a couple hundred feet off the road. I had Beck pull off early where there were no cars because I figured I could just shimmy down the hill and walk right up to the guy, so I did.
As I got about half way there, I realized I was the only one who had meandered off the road. Not sure if that meant I wasn't supposed to do that, but by now it was too late, so I just kept going. Beck was nervous for me and took a picture of me from the car. She said I looked like a pipsqueak compared to the elk beast. He was freaking big, but really cool as you can see here.
But that was it. I made it back to the car unscathed and my girls and I headed home. Needless to say, we were pooped when we walked in the door and slept in late today. But we all had fun and got to cross one adventure off of our LIST. More later on when we attack our list again.....thanks for reading the novel.
PS - I was just joking with Beck that her blog entry would have been something like "Me, Greg and Isla went to Rocky Mountain National Park today. It was fun. Isla is cute. Here is the elk. Here are four pictures of Isla. Click here to see more picture." But I still love her and I'm sure you do too and of course, she has a four month old now occupying most of her time (luckily that little tootbug was sound asleep when I did this).
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