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Thursday, May 3, 2012

He has rallied!

I don't know how he does it, really!? Oakes is doing great. I am LOVING seeing those blue eyes, and that crazy, big, happy smile.

Looks like several weeks here in the CICU to watch Oakes while his lung heals, then we will talk about heading back to 7West. No one wants to take him to the OR and look at anything or do anything. He has been improving everyday, we are weaning meds and the vent and we are getting smiles from all of the doctors and therapist. Big sign of relief.


Oakes snoozing when I got to his room. Didn't think he could get cuter....

....but then he woke up!!

Really, he is THE cutest and happiest kid ever. 


  1. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!! Best. News. EVER! Go Oakes!!

  2. Big smiles + baby blues = great, happy news! Sending you all tons of MI love.

  3. Awww! Such good news. So glad to see him doing better!
