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Friday, March 25, 2011

A Fantastic Friday!

We had another really great day today! Our little Oakes is hitting his milestones at a stead and strong pace. This afternoon he came off of all sedatives, and they slowly started to turn off the breathing machine. Numerous lines (or IV's) were removed, his Foley bulb and catheter were removed, his labs came back great, his numbers all looked good and by about 4pm the decision was made to remove his breathing tube! We just returned home from the hospital where he was breathing completely on his own, and seemed to be as comfortable as can be. When the breathing tube came out he woke up a bit and seemed to be pretty annoyed. He actually threw a little fit after being disturbed, and if you know Greg, hearing about his little temper makes perfect sense!

Before we left the hospital we were told that we may get to hold him tomorrow! There is a line that runs into his right atrium that has to be removed before we can hold him, but if he has a good night, then the odds of a Momma getting to snuggle her little man will increase greatly! This is the little milestone that I will be praying for tonight!!

Much love to all of you, friends and family as well as new friends that we haven't met yet, but that are praying for and loving our little Oakes from afar!

Oakes sleeping comfortably before having his tube removed.

....legs crossed!

And the tube is gone, just like that!

Seems like half of the amount of "stuff" from yesterday! And doesn't that look like a little smile?

Just as peaceful as can be!!


  1. That is SO amazing!! I am so happy for all of you... what wonderful news!!!


  2. Yes, I feel peaceful when I read your blog and see the photos. Thank you.

  3. thats my boy! can't wait to teach him all the words to boom boom pow with Beau-roo!

  4. We are so happy to hear about mighty Oakes rapid progress.
    Sounds like he will be home with his family in no time!
    Lots of love,
    Phill and Kat

  5. We are so happy Oakes is doing well. He is such a little miralce. I can't wait for you to get to hold him:) Michelle & Larry
